Friday, May 16, 2014

Plywood Furniture Case Studies

puThis is a good idea for a project  because it is very cool looking. The view of the chair is different from each angle you're standing at.
This is
an awesome project because it looks easy to do but
it is actually complex. There are many different pieces of wood
put together to form a chair.
I like this project because it is hard to do but the product is a very nice piece of furniture. A cabinet like this is used in most peoples everyday lives for storage or other uses that they need it for.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Plywood Furniture Research

1. Ergonomics is how different things are made for different audiences. For example a chair for a preschooler will have shorter legs causing the seat to be lower to the ground to be proportionate for the small child that is meant to sit in it. A chair for a high school student will be bigger than for a small child, this is ergonomics the different sizes that are meant for different people so they're proportionate with the persons body size.\

2. The rebate Joint would be the best idea for this table because it combines the legs with the top in a strong, sturdy, and efficient matter. Another option is joining two boards together lengthwise, the tongue and groove joint is much stronger than a butt glue joint. Tongue and groove joints can be created on matching boards using matching router bits, or on a table saw. In this woodworking article, learn how to use your table saw to make perfectly matching tongue and groove joinery. Also another alternative is doweling. A few dowels are glued into matching holes in corresponding boards. The joint is clamped until the glue dries, which yields a strong, durable, classic woodworking joint. I feel that these three ways are the most efficient ways of combing are table top with the correlating legs.

3.We will cut the base legs on a triangular angle pinching the legs pushing the force up through to are joints that are connecting it with the top of the table. 1 potential problem for our project could be that are table may be off balance due to the amount of weight not being balanced. We plan on solving this by evenly distributing the weight in a triangle base on the inside part of the leg and the outside part of the leg.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Wood Joint Research

Butt Joint-

A butt joint is made when two pieces of wood are butted together and glued. When you glue an end-grain surface of one board to another wood surface, the joint won't hold unless it's reinforced with dowel pins or some other reinforcement. When you use the butt joint to glue two or more boards side by side, or edge grain to edge grain as when making a wide top for a table, however, the joint can be quite strong. You must make sure that the joining edges are planed smooth to form a perfect fit, though, and that the joint is glued and clamped sufficiently.

Miter Joint-

The miter joint is formed by cutting corresponding angles, usually 45 degrees, on the ends of two pieces of wood and joining them together. The most common use of the miter joint in furniture is in mirror and picture frames. The miter joint may be reinforced with pins or dowels or with the installation of a wooden back panel, often 1/4-inch plywood.

Dado Joint-

A dado is a groove cut across the grain of a piece of wood. A dado joint is formed by cutting a dado in one piece of wood the exact size as the square-cut edge of another piece. The square-cut edge of the second piece is then inserted into the groove of the first piece to form a tight, secure joint. Dado joints are commonly used to join wood at right angles, as in bookcase shelves. Sometimes the dado is hidden because the groove is not cut all the way across the board to the front of the bookcase. This kind of dado joint is called a blind dado.